Georgia Supreme Court Says 'NO" To Social Engineer

THOMAS JEFFERSON said it well when he said: ""I consider trial by jury as the only anchor yet devised by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution."

FADE to the here and now and we have Mr. Eric Johnson, social engineer extraordinary, posing as a conservative when he espouses the most liberal social engineering ideas ever put to words[and doesn't get booed out of every congregation assembled to listen to the man!?]. What a world we live in today. Does the majority in our finely crafted and dearly paid for country really no longer give a damn? I think not. As Mr. Johnson campaigns for the Governer of our fair state, remember that his actions speak louder than words - he comes from the future, Clockwork Orange, Fahrenheit 451, Orwellian style. Here is a link to the recent Supreme Court decision voted by all the Justices striking down the social engineering of Mr. Johnson and his cronies: LINK/ Supreme Court Decision

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